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Monthly BID 16 Board Meeting


Monday, August 14, 2023 / 5:30 - 7:00 pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 894 3658 4629

One tap mobile

+16469313860,,89436584629# US


Acting President: Robert Gustafson

Vice President: Vacant

Secretary: Amanda Gabert

Treasurer: John Mueller

Matthew O’Neill, Ranell Washington, Chris Harris Morse


Executive Director: Tracy Staedter


I. Call to Order/Attendance

  1. Call to order. Please inform any guests in attendance how the meeting works, when commentary or questions are welcome and how voting on agenda items works. 

  2. Attendance (who is present, who is not present)

II. Minutes & Financials

  1. Approve July 2023 meeting minutes. LINK: 

  2. Approve June 2023 financials. LINK: 

III. Old Business to be tabled until September.

IV. New Business

  1. Pocket Park opportunity 

    • Dave Misky of DCD has offered to sell the property to BID 16. The parcel is assessed at $12K but DCD will sell for $1 per square foot or $4,800.  Taxes would be around $300/year. 

  2. Tracy requests additional $236 (over the $5,000 website budget) to have O&O Studio add the menu item “Economic Development” to the website and build out a landing page for it. 

  3. Because of planning and executing on the Uptown Get Down event, Tracy has burned through her allotted 40 hours/month for July and August. Potential solution: keep track of hours and cut back on hours during the Nov/Dec holidays. (FYI, Tracy’s role with the inaugural board for Uptown Crossing Economic Develop Corp is $0/voluntary.)

  4. We have a request from business owner, Antoi Johns, located at 5729 W. North Avenue, corner of 58th and North. Cost would be $2389. Link: . See photos of bench and trash bin in folder. 

  5. Discuss and set budget for Operating Plan 2024, due September 15, 2021.

    • Assessment came from the city. See here:

    • Build budget based on last year’s budget:

    • Review last year’s Operating Plan here: BID 16 2023 Operating Plan.pdf

    • If anyone wants to review Charette (find it here: to identify “low-hanging fruit” in terms of street updates or branding.

    • Some suggestions for the budget and Operating Plan

      • Events ($1500 for annual meeting and $3300 per event for the park)

      • Event coordinator (set aside $750 per event for a coordinator)

      • Advertising and Marketing campaign.

      • Set aside seed money of $25,000 for the Uptown Crossing Economic Development Corp to support activities, such as conducting a survey of residents and business owners that would inform a strategic plan, undertake a safety initiative, launch a farmer’s market, partner with businesses such as RetailWorks to bolster interest in redesigning storefront, apply for a grant, collaborate with the City of Milwaukee ECO and Urban Forestry to plant more trees in the corridor. 

      • Discuss and set other expenditures….

V. Adjournment 

Next meeting of the BID #16 Board of Directors Meeting Monday, September 11, 2023, 5:30-7:00. Location TBD. 

Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of persons with disabilities through sign language interpreters or auxiliary aids. For additional information or to request services, contact the ADA Coordinator at 414-270-4163 or by writing to the ADA Coordinator at ADA Coordinator - BID #16, c/o Ogden & Company, Inc., 1665 N. Water Street, Milwaukee, WI 53202. Persons engaged in lobbying as defined in s. 305-43-4 of the Milwaukee Code of Ordinances are required to register with the City Clerk’s Office License Division. More information is available at or by calling 414-286-2238.

July 31

BID/NID Council

August 16